Pengaruh Tingkat Inflasi, Kurs Mata Uang Dan Bi Rate Terhadap Pembiayaan Murabahah Di Bank NTB Syariah


  • Hernawati Hernawati STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur penulis
  • Ristina Wahyu Astuti STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur penulis
  • Muh Ariadi Muslim STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur penulis

Kata Kunci:

Murabahah Financing, Inflation Rate, Currency Exchange Rate and BI rate


This research was backgrounded by claims from society who state that financing murabahah in banking sharia is same with financing at banking konvensional that make decline occurs amount of murabahah financing in every year in NTB Sharia Bank. There are some indicator that direcly impact to murabaha financing, currency exchange rate and BI rate. This research has a purpose to know  the influence the three of  that  macro economics variable to financing murabahah in NTB sharia Bank, so it can sconvey the exposure that in this inflation rate, currency exchange rate and BI rate has impact to murabahah financing.  This research using quantitative metode. taken population in this research is NTB sharia Bank that embrace all in  NTB Sharia Bank. This research using secondary data. the source of secondary data that use in this research is like murabahah financing that get from official website of the financial services authority, then for the inflation, currency exchange rate is get from official website of BI. As for inflation, currency exchange rate were obtained from the central statistic agency. The data analiysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis techniques, data processing is carried out using the help of SPPS version 27.0. The results of this research indicate that the inflation rate partially has no significant effect on murabahah financiing in NTB Sharia Bank. Variabel currency exchange rate and BI rate partially have a significant effect on murabahah financing in NTB Sharia Bank. Than simultan or together the variable inflation, currency exchange rate and BI rate have a significant effect on murabahah financing  in  NTB Sharia Bank




