Analisis Non Performing Financing (NPF) Dalam Restrukturisasi Pembiayaan Nasabah Wanprestasi Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19


  • Ulfa Widia Astuti STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur penulis
  • Dodi Febrian STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur penulis
  • Ristina Wahyu Astuti STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur penulis
  • Titik Husnawati Amini STEI Hamzar Lombok Timur penulis

Kata Kunci:

COVID-19, Restructuring, Non Performing Financing (NPF), Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK)


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on various sectors including the health sector, education sector, political sector, especially the economic sector which has a very bad impact on business services, mining, construction, trade, tourism, transformation, hospitality, aviation, and banking. Government policies such as Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) and the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) paralyze the wheels of the economy so that they affect the fulfillment of debtor achievements in banking due to the weakening of the community economy. This study aims to analyze non-performing finance (NPF) in restructuring defaulted customer financing during the Covid-19 pandemic. This research uses a qualitative-descriptive approach with field research. The results showed that during the NPF pandemic at PT. BPR Syariah Tulen Amanah Paokmotong showed a positive trend which indicated an improvement in the performance of PT. BPR Syariah Tulen Amanah Paokmotong because it was able to reduce its NPF ratio. the factor that caused defaults during the COVID-19 pandemic was the reduced ability to pay debtors due to decreased business turnover due to the impact of covid-19. The form of restructuring based on the POJK stimulus issued by the government at PT. BPR Syariah Tulen Amanah Paokmotong includes an extension of the payment period and postponement of principal and / or margin payments with a period of 6-12 months during the enactment of the POJK set by the government




